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1395 N Hayden Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85257


National Calibration Inc. (NCI) calibrates and services many different types of force and load equipment. With accredited capabilities up to 50,000 pounds, NCI can calibrate most load cells as well as compression testing machines up to 500,000 pounds. Dynamometers are not an issue, and our facilities can test and report on stressing jacks and hydraulic rams up to 500,000 pounds.

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Whether it is a small spring scale or force gauge or a tensile tester, NCI has capabilities that most labs cannot match. See our scope of accreditation for accredited and on accredited calibrations.

Our Capabilities List:

*Aircraft Weighing Kit
*Compression Machine
*Force Gauge

*Load Cell
*Tensile Tester                                  *Bolt Tension Calibrator

*Hydraulic Ram

*Pipe D-Loader                *Universal Testing Machine